Course Preview

    1. Concept: 3 Balls First

    2. Concept: Cascade vs. Fountain

    3. Practice: 3 Balls, Looking Down/Straight/Up

    4. Ready for Section #2?

    1. Concept: Using what you already have

    2. Practice: 1 Ball + 3 Slaps

    3. Practice: 2 Balls + 2 Slaps

    4. Practice: "423"

    5. "423" with Extra Throws

    6. Ready for Section #3?

    1. Concept: Take what you need and leave the rest

    2. Concept: Good throws make for easy catches

    3. Concept: make a different mistake

    4. Practice: 3 Balls + 1 Slap

    5. Ready for Section #4?

    1. 4b Sync

    2. 4b Async

    3. 5-5-5 Framework

    1. Congrats! What's next?

    2. More resources for you

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $39.00
  • 24 lessons

Ready to level up?